Current Notice 9.7.2022: Irish Ridge Road


Irish Ridge Road Project

Effective: 9.24.2022

  • All of this information is subject to change at any time, without prior notice.
  • This information is published by the Town Board as advisory only and in the interests of timely communications with the public.

Timeline for the Irish Ridge Road Project as of 7/21/2022 Road Tour with the engineer.

Updated after 8.30.2022 Town Board Meeting on Irish Ridge Road and Weister Creek Road.

8/10/2022 Town Board Approves the engineering plans.

8/11/2022 Advertising for bids submitted to the newspaper and LaCrosse Building Association for publication.

8/15/2022 Advertising for bids Week #1 run.

8/22/2022 Advertising for bids Week #2 run.

8/30/2022 Special Town Board Mandatory Pre Bid Meeting with Prospective Bidders @ 10:00 am

9/7/2022 Special Town Board Meeting to Open Bids at the Town Hall @ 10:00 am

9/14/2022 Town Board Meeting at which the Bid is Awarded. (Contractor has 15 days to pull Performance Bond).

10/12/2022 Town Board Meeting.

12/15/2022 Substantial Completion of Grading and Road Base Improvements.

5/30/2023 Final Completion of Grading and Road Base Improvements.

6/30/2023 Substantial Completion of HMA Pavement Improvements.

7/30/2023 Final Completion of HMA Pavement Improvements.


This contract involves Road Reconditioning for approximately 1.92 miles Rural Road Section. Proposed

work consists of general grading, new road base, ditching, adjusting existing road culverts, install new

driveway culverts, erosion control and restoration. Proposed road base consists of 6” breaker run, 6”

crushed aggregate base with geo-grid over select areas. Substantial Completion to be completed by

end of 2022. Final completion to be completed in the spring of 2023.

The Town Board will keep you updated as the project progresses.