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Town of Clinton: Minutes Wed Feb 12 2020 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Board Meeting
Town of Clinton
February 12, 2020
Meeting was called to order at 7 pm with the pledge of allegiance. In attendance were Chairman John LaDue, Supervisor 1 Corey Leis, Supervisor 2 James Chapiewsky, Clerk Sandy Schweiger, Treasurer Jan Clark, Patrolman Scot Sanders, Wayne Leis, Lonnie Muller and Alvin Schrock.
The financial report showed tax collections of $591,859.23 and receipt of $15,174.69 in 2013 FEMA funds. Supervisor Chapiewsky made a motion, 2nd by Supervisor Leis, to approve the report; all ayes, motion carried. Supervisor Chapiwesky made a motion, 2nd by Supervsor Leis, to transfer $25,000 from money management to checking, $396,091.63 from tax savings to checking and $91,671.60 from tax savings to money management; all ayes, motion carried. Supervisor Chapiewsky made a motion, 2nd by Supervisor Leis, to allocate the FEMA funds to the road budget; all ayes, motion carried. Supervisor Leis made a motion, 2nd by Supervisor Chapiewsky, to approve payment of bills; all ayes, motion carried.
Chairman LaDue and Supervisor Leis met in closed session to propose hiring David Gnewikow as assistant patrolman; motion was made and passed.
Continuing problems with the backhoe have resulted in the decision to only provide minimal maintenance while relying on other equipment; board will investigate its possible replacement.
This year’s road projects will focus on Knapp Valley and Peaceful Valley in order to re-coup FEMA funds; with $165,000 for roadwork this year, other projects will also be possible. Bids for seal coat, mat and gravel will be placed in the Broadcaster and Episcope for the March meeting.
With Board of Review approaching, 4 board members will attend training in LaCrosse.
A creek restoration group requested and received permission to widen the shoulder on lower Knapp below the Hughes bridge; there will be no cost to the town.
New contracts were signed for the patrolman and his assistant; the patrolman inquired about a handbook. An inventory has been completed at the shop. The new assistant’s duties will include overseeing the Recycle Center to help Bob Fish with his duties; Mr. Sanders will provide back-up when Mr. Gnewikow is unavailable. A suggestion was made by Mr. Sanders to purchase carbide plow blades the next time around; this was approved. Which roads receive additional gravel will be decided following receipt of bids; quotes will be requested for both 3/8” and 7/16” granite chips as well as other materials.
Hopefully the road bans can be implemented at the same time as the county; the board will monitor conditions. With one third of the sand/salt pile remaining, there should be sufficient material for the remainder of the season.
Supervisor Leis made a motion, 2nd by Supervisor Chapiwesky, to approve the minutes; all ayes, motion carried. At 8:07 pm, Supervisor Chapiwesky made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Supervisor Leis; all ayes, motion carried.