ANNUAL MEETING Minutes DRAFT: April 20, 2024

Click here for the full minutes (pdf)

Town of Clinton    Annual Meeting    April 20, 2024

Annual meeting was called to order by Chairman Leis at 10:01 am at the Town Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Verification of meeting posting: posted at Town Hall board, on website, and in the Episcope.

Approve Minutes:

Darin Von Ruden made a motion to approve 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes as written and presented, 2nd by Wayne Leis; motion passed, no opposed.

Financial Report:

Scot Sanders made a motion to accept the financial report. 2nd by Pete Appleman; motion passed, no opposed.

General Discussion:

Discussion of road maintenance. The Board is trying to do 6 miles a year to keep the roads in good repair and not have them fall into disrepair.

Joe Giles questioned as to where the road inspection meeting tour was posted. It was posted both on the website and at the town hall board. The road trip tour schedule is determined by when our Scotts Construction rep is available.

Jan Clark questioned about if Pa’s Road was visited/discussed on the road tour, since it is gravel. Any discussion to blacktop/sealcoat? Board hadn’t discussed changing the base of the road as it is a predominately Amish traveled road and the gravel holds up better. Pa’s Road has also always been gravel, and those who live or have built on it know this.

Irish Ridge loan/line of credit discussed. The line’s interest rate is a lot lower than the current interest rate. The board will get the numbers from the bank when the line comes due and make a decision then.


Motion by Tamsen Morgan to raise the Clerk’s salary to $12,000.00 per year starting the April 2025 term, 2nd by Pete Appleman; motion passed, no opposed.

Plow Truck:

Our plow trucks are getting older (2004 and 2010) and requiring more repairs. If you order today, a new truck in 2-3 years out (at least). In 2027 truck prices are going up because of the emission changes to motors. We are budgeting $10,000 per truck per year in maintenance. This last year we were at over $15,000 on the yellow truck. The Board has gotten 4 quotes, new truck cost would be around $280,000. If we want to get one, we need to consider putting an order in now. We wouldn’t be required to take it if we changed our mind, and we aren’t required to pay money down, and this locks the price in.

Motion by Carla Leppert to put an order in for a new plow truck, 2nd by Joe Giles; motion passed, one opposed, Pete Appleman.

2025 Annual Meeting:

Annual meeting date for 2025. Motion by Wayne Leis to hold the Annual Meeting Saturday, April 19th at 10 a.m. at the Town Hall. 2nd by Scot Sanders; motion passed.

Motion to Adjourn:

Motion to adjourn by David Ware, 2nd by Thea Von Ruden; motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 11:11 a.m.

2023 Annual Meeting Attendees:

Peter Appleman, S1425 County Road P

Jan Clark, E11140 County Road P

Mava Clark, E11140 County Road P

Alex Flores, E10120 Kelbel Rd

Pandora Flores, E10120 Kelbel Rd

Joe Giles, S1865 24 Valley Rd

Lori Hemmersbach, E10206 Kelbel Road

Corey Leis, E11016 Leis Road

Wayne Leis, S914 Dell Road

Carla Leppert, S1865 24 Valley Rd

Tamsen Morgan, S2442 Cty Rd S

Kreigh Rasikas, S2385 Cty Rd S

Scot Sanders, E10206 Kelbel Road

Bill Stock, E10880 County Road P

Stephanie Stock, E10880 County Road P

Darin Von Ruden, S1299 Town Road 57

Thea Von Ruden, S1331A Clinton Ridge Rd

David Ware, S2442 Cty Rd S

Lonnie Muller (Non-resident), Newspaper