Board Meeting Minutes : May 8, 2024

Click here for the full minutes (pdf)

Town of Clinton Board Meeting

May 8, 2024

7:00 pm at the Town Hall, S1299 County Road D

Board Minutes

Meeting called to order by Chairman Leis at 7:00pm:

Pledge of Allegiance:

Roll Call:

  • Chairman Corey Leis, Supervisor #1 Darin Von Ruden, Supervisor #2 Bill Stock, Town Treasurer Jan Clark, Town Clerk Lori Hemmersbach

Financial Report and Bills:

  • M/S/P: Von Ruden/Stock moved to approve the Financial Report. (3 ayes)
  • M/S/P: Stock/Von Ruden moved to approve the transfer of $28,000.00 from Savings to Checking. (3 ayes)
  • M/S/P Von Ruden/Stock to pay the bills. (3 ayes)

Approve Minutes:

  • M/S/P: Von Ruden/Stock moved to approve the 4.10.24 Board Meeting Minutes as written and as published as a draft on the website. (3 ayes)

Public Comment:

2024 Road Projects:

  • Dell Rd- from just past S407 mailbox/top of hill to Irish Ridge, 0.39 miles, hot mix wedge: left and right sides going downhill, full width on bottom, right side on the inside of the corner, left side on the downhill slope to the top of hill. Approx. 176 tons, cost $20,830
  • Dell Rd- from Irish Ridge to Shortcut Rd, 0.89 miles, hot mix wedge: right side going down the hill, full width at bottom of hill, left side going up the hill, down the hill, and back up the hill, right side going down the hill ending at Corner View Cabinets, right side going down the hill, left side going up the hill. Approx. 286 tons, cost $33,848
  • Shortcut Rd-from Dell Rd to County D, 0.59 miles, hot mix wedge: right side, inside corner to top of the hill ending just past E10833, left and right side by wood chip pile before E10704, left side starting by E10704, right side going down the hill to bottom, left side going back up hill ending at D. Approx. 308 tons, cost $36,452
  • Irish Ridge Rd-from S554 going up the hill to Oneida Rd, hot mix wedging right side only. Approx. 44 tons, $5,207
  • Hot Mix Wedge total: $96,337
  • Cary Rd- from Woods Rdg to Cty D, 0.70 miles, single seal hard surface 8” bar seal both sides, $14,860
  • Woods Rdg- from corner of Cary Rd to Cty P, 1.78 miles, single seal hard surface, $47,234
  • Parker Rd- section shared with Whitestown (1/2 Clinton), 0.12 miles, singe seal hard surface, $3,503
  • Oneida Rd- from Town of Jefferson line going up the hill to just below 31185/Amish driveway on the right on the corner (wooded area), 0.26 miles, single seal hard surface, $7,590
  • Oneida Rd- from just below 31185/Amish driveway on the right on the corner going to the top of hill to S203, 0.17 miles, single seal hard surface, 8’ bar seal east side only, $1,873
  • Olson Rd- Town of Christiana doing their part of Olson Rd, continuing on to do ours. Struck and Irwin Paving doing a slurry seal, $3,000
  • Seal Coat total: $78,600
    • 2024 Road Projects total: $174,397
  • M/S/P: Von Ruden/Stock to approve the 2024 road project list. (3 ayes)

Culvert Inventory:

  • Scot will do, need to be done by 12/31/24.

Shop Overhead Door Replacement:

  • Chairman Leis put a Grant Application in with Vernon County for the Shop Overhead Door Replacement. County will match up to $10,000 at 100% if approved. Total project cost estimated to be $23,000, making Town share about $13,000.
  • Thank you to Lonnie Mueller for bringing the grant to our attention.

Ordinance 2024-03 Fire Protection and Prevention Code, Public Safety of the Township of Clinton:

  • Ordinance asked for by the Cashton Area Fire Department (CAFD) allowing fire inspections to be done annually by the CAFD.
  • Ordinance, for the Town of Clinton, will be named Ordinance 2024-01 Fire Protection and Prevention Code, Public Safety of the Township of Clinton.
  • M/S/P: Stock/Von Ruden moved to approve and sign Ordinance as presented. (3 ayes)
  • Other CAFD news: the new fire truck is in, next year the first payment will be due approximately $8-10,000 will be our share, CAFD bought the lot adjacent to the fire station from Hundt Implement for $30,000, our share (paid on this bill list) $5,700.

Irish Ridge Road Finance Renewal:

  • Total will be approximately $295,000 with interest.
  • Line of credit expires 7/13/24.
  • What banks do we want to approach for lending? Bank of Cashton, Farmers State Bank Hillsboro, WCCU, River Bank, Peoples State Bank all mentioned
  • How long of a note? 6-8 years? Longer period with pre-payment privilege? Chairman Leis will talk to banks and get rates for 6-10 years and amortization schedule.

Town Truck Replacement:

  • DeBauche (International dealer) says likely 2026 before chassis would be built. Once complete payment due. $158,170 chassis only. 5-year full warranty. Offered $40,000 for trade-in, can sell or trade-in, we don’t have to commit now. International is the only dealer offering a 5-year bumper to bumper warranty, other dealers are only 2-year upon purchase, then you buy extended.
  • M/S/P Stock/Von Ruden to purchase new International Plow Truck Chassis for $158,710 from DeBauche. (3 ayes)

Spring Cleanup May 11, 2024:

  • This Saturday, price list is on the Town website.

Next Meeting: Monday, June 10 at 7pm


  • M/S/P: Von Ruden/Stock moved to adjourn at 8:05 pm. (3 ayes)      

Clerk Lori Hemmersbach:­­­­_________________________________­________­ Date:____________