Click here for the full minutes (pdf)
Town of Clinton Board Meeting
December 11, 2024
7:00 pm at the Town Hall, S1299 County Road D
Board Minutes
Meeting called to order by Chairman Leis at 7:00pm:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Roll Call:
- Chairman Corey Leis, Supervisor #1 Darin Von Ruden, Supervisor #2 Bill Stock, Town Treasurer Jan Clark, Town Clerk Lori Hemmersbach
Financial Report and Bills:
- M/S/P: Von Ruden/Stock moved to approve the Financial Report. (3 ayes)
- M/S/P: Stock/Von Ruden moved to approve the 12/12/24 transfer of $34,5.00 from Savings to Checking. (3 ayes)
- M/S/P Stock/Von Ruden to pay the bills. (3 ayes)
Approve Minutes:
- M/S/P: Von Ruden/Stock moved to approve the 11.12.24 Board Meeting Minutes with Treasurer Clark’s statement included verbatim. (3 ayes)
- M/S/P: Von Ruden/Stock moved to approve the 11.20.24 Budget Hearing Minutes. (3 ayes)
- M/S/P: Von Ruden/Stock moved to approve the 11.20.24 Elector’s Meeting Minutes. (3 ayes)
Insurance Renewal:
- Nicole Steinbach was present from Rural Mutual Insurance, Viroqua. She will be our new rep as Kevin is retiring at yearend. She explained our current coverages and made some recommendations.
- M/S/P: Von Ruden/Stock moved to raise worker’s compensation accident/death limits to $1 million/$1 million/$1 million. (3 ayes)
- Increase in premium of $140.00. Current coverage was $250,000/$500,000/$250.000
- M/S/P: Stock/Von Ruden moved to change Property and Building deductibles for any building valued over $1,000 to $1,000 deductible, leaving any buildings valued at less than $1,000 with a $500 deductible. (3 ayes)
Public Comment:
Mower Update:
- Tractor was picked up last Friday.
Diesel Contract:
- M/S/P: Von Ruden/Stock moved to lock in diesel at $2.80
County Grant Opportunity:
- New doors are in, will be installed once Swenson’s can get it in their schedule.
- Next grant idea: new cement for doors and approach apron at Town Shop.
Caucus Date:
- January 11, 10am, at Town Hall.
Public Comment:
- Treasurer Clark commented about how the Board adjusted the budget by adding $41,329 to the budgetary line credit last year when the levy was reduced by that amount. The previous year levy was voted down, but no cuts were made. She felt the budget should have been reduced by the $41,329. Also commented that this year we are budgeting for a shortfall and adding an increased budgetary line of credit. She thinks we need to manage spending. Commented we had reserves before, but have none now. We are in debt. Tax bills went up. Accused Chairman Leis of ‘not caring’, commented he had a lot of money to spend, but we are going to be in debt. Called the 10 year plan a ’10 year plan of spending’ with no plan of how to make it up except to raise taxes.
Next Meeting Regular Board Meeting: Wednesday, January 8 at 7pm
- M/S/P: Von Ruden/Stock moved to adjourn at 7:43 pm. (3 ayes)
Clerk Lori Hemmersbach:_________________________________________________ Date:___________________