Board Meeting Minutes: January 8, 2025

Click here for the full minutes (pdf)

Town of Clinton Board Meeting

January 8, 2025

7:00 pm at the Town Hall, S1299 County Road D

Board Minutes

Meeting called to order by Chairman Leis at 7:00pm:

Pledge of Allegiance:

Roll Call:

  • Chairman Corey Leis, Supervisor #1 Darin Von Ruden, Supervisor #2 Bill Stock, Town, Town Clerk Lori Hemmersbach
  • Absent: Treasurer Jan Clark

Financial Report and Bills:

  • M/S/P: Von Ruden/Stock moved to approve the Financial Report. (3 ayes)
  • M/S/P: Stock/Von Ruden moved to approve the 1/9/25 transfer of $26,000.00 from Savings to Checking and $162,953.13 from Tax Collection Savings to Checking. (3 ayes)
  • M/S/P Stock/Von Ruden to pay the bills. (3 ayes)

Approve Minutes:

  • M/S/P: Von Ruden/Stock moved to approve the 12.11.24 Board Meeting Minutes. (3 ayes)
  • M/S/P: Von Ruden/Stock moved to approve the 12.23.24 Special Board Meeting Minutes.        (3 ayes)

Public Comment:

  • Town Resident Fred Brandt talked about the importance of revising the 10-year plan to current; the plan is mostly completed other than the tabled salt shed.
  • He also stressed the need to design a 10-year debt repayment plan that is in sync with the operating budget. That these can be done in a way that is clear to the public and transparent, also it should be easy to understand and adjust as needed. Patrolman Sanders agreed that it would be a good idea and could be beneficial to help the Town be a community.
  • The Town Board all weighed in and agreed it would be a good idea to make a committee to work on this.
    • Committee: The Board is looking for volunteers for making a 10-year debt repayment plan for the Town of Clinton. Interested parties should come to the February Board meeting or notify a Board Member if unable to attend. The purpose of this committee is to deal with the debt we have, not argue about it or how it came to be.

Mower Update/6×20 Structures:

  • No update on mower.
  • M/S/P: Von Ruden/Leis moved to approve setting up financing for the arm mower from Farmers State Bank, Hillsboro for $82,500.00 at 3.95% for 7 years. (2 ayes, 1 nae-Stock)
  • 6×20 Structures inspected and turned into county. At least 2 need work, are in poor condition. Will have to see what programs the State comes out with.

Closed Session Employee Results:

  • M/S/P: Stock/Von Ruden moved to raise employee salaries by 3% and to allow full time employee(s) to accumulate comp time in lieu of overtime pay with a maximum of 60 hours of comp time per year. Comp time is paid at straight pay, once 60 hours are reached, OT would be paid out. It is employee’s choice to take OT pay or take as comp time. (3 ayes)

County Grant Opportunity:

  • Next grant idea: new cement for doors and approach apron at Town Shop, also redo windows at Town Hall.
  • Opportunity to work with Monroe County on a 90/10 AgRIP Grant. Monroe County doing grant for County Road D to St Hwy 33, could possibly tie in our section of Ogden Rd that runs into Cty Rd D. The Board agreed that we need to pursue the opportunity.

New Plow Truck Accessories:

  • Universal getting us a quote.

Public Comment:

Caucus Date: January 11, 10am at the Town Hall

Next Meeting Regular Board Meeting: Wednesday, February 12 at 7pm


  • M/S/P: Von Ruden/Stock moved to adjourn at 7:59 pm. (3 ayes)      

Clerk Lori Hemmersbach:­­­­_________________________________________­________­ Date:___________________