Click here for the full minutes (pdf)
Town of Clinton Town Caucus
January 11, 2024
10:00 am at the Town Hall, S1299 County Road D
Meeting called to order by Chairman Leis at 10:01 am:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Nominee to Chair Meeting:
- M/S/P Corey Leis to Chair meeting by Thea Von Ruden/2nd John Adams, motion passed (all ayes)
- All Board Members present, total of 31 electors (including Board)
Nominations for Town Clerk:
- M/S to Nominate Lori Hemmersbach by Thea Von Ruden/2nd Travis Forgues.
- M/S to Nominate Lori Schmitz by Dawn Anderson/2nd Mike Miller.
- M/S/P to close nominations for Town Clerk by Frank Easterday/2nd John Adams (all ayes)
Nominations for Town Treasurer:
- M/S to Nominate Jan Clark by Dawn Anderson/2nd Steve Schmitz.
- M/S/P to close nominations for Town Treasurer by Pete Appleman/2nd Dale Von Ruden (all ayes)
Nominations for Town Supervisor #2:
- M/S to Nominate Tom Moore by Dawn Anderson/2nd Lori Schmitz.
- M/S to Nominate John Chapiewsky by Scot Sanders/2nd Dale Von Ruden.
- M/S/P to close nominations for Town Supervisor #2 by Thea Von Ruden/2nd John Adams (all ayes)
Nominations for Town Supervisor #1:
- M/S to Nominate Joe Giles by Lori Schmitz/2nd Dawn Anderson.
- M/S to Nominate Travis Forgues by Scot Sanders/2nd Thea Von Ruden.
- M/S/P to close nominations for Town Supervisor #1 by Pete Appleman/2nd Scot Sanders (all ayes)
Nominations for Town Chairman:
- M/S to Nominate Lar Bergan by Jan Clark/2nd Steve Schmitz.
- M/S to Nominate Darin Von Ruden by Scot Sanders/2nd John Adams.
- M/S to Nominate Tom Moore by Dan Flaherty/2nd Pete Appleman.
- M/S/P to close nomination for Town Chairman by Steve Schmitz/2nd John Adams.
- Paper Ballot vote for one for Town Chairman to narrow to 2.
- Ballot counters: Tammy Litsey and Donelle Grodahl
- Results: Darin Von Ruden 13, Lars Bergan, 10, Tom Moore 8
- Nominees on Ballot: Darin Von Ruden and Lars Bergan
- Results: Darin Von Ruden 13, Lars Bergan, 10, Tom Moore 8
- M/S/P to close nomination for Town Chairman by Steve Schmitz/2nd John Adams.
Coin Flip for Ballot Placement as Follows:
- Clerk: Schmitz/Hemmersbach
- Treasurer: n/a
- Supervisor #1: Moore/Chapiewsky
- Supervisor #2: Giles/Forgues
- Chairman: Von Ruden/Bergan
Town Debt Repayment Plan Committee:
- Was mentioned that the Town was putting together a committee to make recommendations for both the 10-year plan and the town debt repayment plan. Looking for a committee of 4 people. Committee purpose is to help plan the debt repayment, not argue about how to came to be, should understand the town budgetary process.
- Interested parties should come to the February Town Board Meeting, or let the Board know of interest.
Zone Townships:
- County Board Member Frank Easterday briefly mentioned that there may be a push to zone townships and he wanted to make us aware of it. Sometimes can be a plus to get zoned all agriculture. Clinton is not zoned currently.
- M/S/P: To close the Town Caucus at 10:23am by Darin Von Ruden/2nd Bill Stock, motion passed (all ayes).
Clerk Lori Hemmersbach:_________________________________________ Date:____________
Barb Adams, S2134 Cty Rd D
John Adams, S2134 Cty Rd D
Dawn R Anderson, S1450 Knapp Valley Rd
Peter Appleman, S1425 Cty Rd D
Lars Bergan, E9986 Nelson Rd
Fred Brandt, E10209 Cty Rd P
Ranelle Brandt, E10209 Cty Rd P
John Chapiewsky, S644 Clinton Rdg Rd
Jan Clark, E11140 Cty Rd P
Mava Clark, E11140 Cty Rd P
Frank Easterday, S1018 Knapp Valley Rd
Doug Ewing, E11346 Willow Lane
Carlie Flaherty, S2392 Dell Rd
Daniel Flaherty, S2392 Dell Rd
Alex Flores, E10120 Kelbel Rd
Travis Forgues, S1597 Hanson Rd
Donnelle Grodahl, E10218 Andy Miller Rd
Lori Hemmersbach, E10206 Kelbel Rd
John LaDue, S1688 Wang Rdg Rd
Corey Leis, E11016 Leis Rd
Tammy Litsey, E9502 Fish St
Mike Miller, S1878 Woods Rdg Rd
Trisha Miller, S1878 Woods Rdg Rd
Tom Moore, S2384 Dell Rd
Scot Sanders, E10206 Kelbel Rd
Lori Schmitz, S1867 Woods Rdg Rd
Steven R Schmitz, S1867 Woods Rdg Rd
Bill Stock, E10880 Cty Rd P
Dale Von Ruden, S1331A Clinton Ridge
Darin Von Ruden, S1299 Town Rd 57
Thea Von Ruden, S1331A Clinton Rdg