Click here for the full GUIDELINES (pdf)
10 Year Rolling Debt Repayment Committee
2.12.2025 Town Board Meeting
- The SOLE PURPOSE of the Town Board is to maintain Roads, Bridges, Fire Protection and Public Safety.
- All debt repayment recommendations to the Town Board will be guided by this SOLE PURPOSE.
- The Town Board Appoints a Committee Chairman.
- No town elected officials and No candidates on an election ballot are eligible to serve on this Committee.
- Only Town of Clinton Taxpayers are eligible to be Committee Members.
- The Committee Meetings will adhere to Roberts Rules of Order.
- The term of each initial Committee Member is 2 years. After this initial term it will be I year.
- This is a volunteer position on the Committee with NO COMPENSATION.
- Meetings will be planned by the Committee Chairman, in agreement with the other members. A quorum is not required.
- Members of the Committee may be removed from the committee at the discretion of the Town Board.
- There will be No Voting on the Committee.
- The Committee serves ONLY in an advisory capacity to the Town Board.
Operating Guidelines For All Committee Decisions
- Review of the current and updated Town Board 10 Year Plan
- Review of the 5 Year Road Plan
- Review of the 1 Year Road Plan
- ALL annual road maintenance funding will be based on the Spring Road Tour and the recommendations of the Town Board, the Road Engineer and the Patrolman in the context of a One (1) Year Plan
- Review of the Town Annual Budget and Budget Summary
- Review the Town Operating Budget relative to the Total Budget and Income from the Levy, Shared Revenue, and Highway Aids
- Review the Town’s current Outstanding Debts and develop a debt repayment spreadsheet
- Review the Town’s Debt in the context of a Rolling 10 Year total impact on the budget
- Review the Mill Rate and the resultant impact of the debt repayment schedule on the budget, and in the context of the Annual Levy proposal