Click here for the full minutes (pdf)
Town of Clinton
Board Meeting
July 11, 2023
7:00 pm at the Town Hall
S1299 County Road D
Board Minutes
Meeting called to order by Chairman Leis at 7:03 pm:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Roll Call:
- Chairman Corey Leis, Supervisor #2 Darin Von Ruden, Town Treasurer Jan Clark, Town Clerk Lori Hemmersbach. (Supervisor #1 Bill Stock was absent.)
Financial Report and Bills:
- M/S/P: Von Ruden/Leis moved to approve the Financial Report. (2 ayes)
- M/S/P: Von Ruden/Leis moved to approve the 6.14.23 transfer of $15,689.82 from Money Management to Checking, the 7.12.23 transfer of $39,340.00 from Savings to Checking and the 7.12.23 transfer of $27,660.00 from Money Management to Checking. (2 ayes)
- M/S/P: Von Ruden/Leis moved to pay the bills. (2 ayes)
Approve Minutes:
- M/S/P: Von Ruden/Stock moved to approve the 6.7.2023 Board Meeting Minutes as written and as published as a draft on the website. (2 ayes)
Public Comment:
Annual Audit:
- No action.
MOU Solid Waste and Recycling Dept:
- Stacy Sanborn, Director of the Vernon County Solid Waste and Recycling Department, attended to ask the Town to sign a Memorandum of Understanding requiring our waste hauler to haul our waste to the Vernon County Landfill. She currently has signed MOU’s from 12 Towns, 4 Villages, and the City of Westby.
- M/S/P: Von Ruden/Leis moved to sign the Memorandum of Understanding Between Vernon County Solid Waste & Recycling Department & Town of Clinton, Vernon County, WI for Special Tipping Rate for Municipal Solid Waste Disposal. (2 ayes)
- M/S/P: Von Ruden/Leis moved to sign the Memorandum of Understanding Between Vernon County Solid Waste & Recycling Department & Town of Clinton, Vernon County, WI for Special Tipping Rate for Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Appendix A. (2 ayes)
Dumpster Service:
- Big Hook Trucking & Disposal submitted a Dumpster Service Agreement for garbage pickup. They would furnish four 8-yard dumpsters for the Recycle Center and one 2-yard dumpster for the Town Shop. All dumped weekly. Annual cost of $15,210, billed as $1,170.00 every 4 weeks. Big Hook agrees to haul to the Vernon County Landfill.
- M/S/P: Von Ruden/Leis moved to sign the Dumpster Service Agreement with Big Hook Trucking & Disposal as presented for garbage service. (2 ayes)
Road Project Update:
- Waiting for 1 more load of patch.
- Seal coating: a couple of weeks and Scotts should start. Kevin from Scotts checked over roads to do today.
- Mowing as time allows.
Irish Ridge Road Account Review and Pay Bills:
- Project is complete
- M/S/P: Leis/Von Ruden moved to pay final engineering bill from Central States Construction for $12,737.50. (2 ayes)
- M/S/P: Von Ruden/Leis moved to pay the final pay application from Lepke Excavation for $12,658.118. (2 ayes)
- M/S/P: Von Ruden/Leis moved to pay the pay application from Scott Construction for $605,994.00. (2 ayes)
Hire Town Assessor:
- Chairman Leis received a proposal from Holloway Appraisal Service for 2024 Revaluation and 2025/2026 Maintenance. Holloway would start field work this fall. Revaluation compensation would be $12,000.00 due 9/1/23 and $24,000.00 due in 2024, for a total of $36,000.00. Maintenance compensation would be $7,500.00 for 2025 and $7,500.00 for 2026.
- Other Assessors that were contacted had too many revaluations and were not interested in submitting a bid.
- M/S/P: Von Ruden/Leis to hire Holloway Appraisal to serve as Town Assessor, signing contract as presented. (2 ayes)
2024 Budget:
- Will start working on this fall. No action taken.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 15
- M/S/P: Von Ruden/Leis moved to adjourn at 8:06 pm. (2 ayes)
Clerk Lori Hemmersbach: ____________________________________ Date:________________