Board Meeting Minutes: July 10, 2024

Click here for the full minutes (pdf)

Town of Clinton Board Meeting

July 10, 2024

7:00 pm at the Town Hall, S1299 County Road D

Board Minutes

Meeting called to order by Chairman Leis at 7:00pm:

Pledge of Allegiance:

Roll Call:

  • Chairman Corey Leis, Supervisor #1 Darin Von Ruden, Supervisor #2 Bill Stock, Town Treasurer Jan Clark, Town Clerk Lori Hemmersbach

Financial Report and Bills:

  • M/S/P: Von Ruden/Stock moved to approve the Financial Report. (3 ayes)
  • M/S/P: Stock/Von Ruden moved to approve the 7/11/24 transfer of $39,800.00 from Savings to Checking and the transfer of $13,700 from Savings to Checking once the Shared Revenue is received. (3 ayes)
  • M/S/P Von Ruden/Stock to pay the bills, with holding the Mathy and Milestone checks until the Shared Revenue is received. (3 ayes)

Approve Minutes:

  • Discussion as to where/how to include public comment that is brought up during the meeting. Comments noted during this period will be included in the public comment section going forward.
  • M/S/P: Von Ruden/Stock moved to approve the 6.10.24 Board Meeting Minutes. (3 ayes)

Public Comment:

  • Town Resident, Joe Giles, wanted it added that during the Irish Ridge Road Financing discussion (June meeting) that he specifically shared that by having a shorter number for years for payments, the Town would save $34,000.00 on the loan. Chairman Leis noted it was 6 years vs 10 years that Mr. Giles was referring to.

2024 Road Projects:

  • Scotts is all done- wedging-we did go over on tons on the project, about $12,000.00. Ended up needing to do a few more spots than planned.
  • Working on shoulders and road edges, gravel roads adding gravel and grading.
  • Tube at Willow Rd extended.
  • New mower not in yet.
  • Lots of tree trimming to do and mowing.
  • Lots of pot holes popping up due to the rain.

Shop Overhead Door Replacement:

  • No official news on grant application award yet.

Town of Clinton Cemetery Plots:

  • 8 plots are open per the map.
  • Supervisor Von Ruden checked into area cemetery pricing- anywhere from $500-$1800 per plot.
  • M/S/P Stock/Von Ruden to charge $500.00 per plot site at the Clinton Ridge Cemetery. This does not include site digging or headstone care/replacement. (3 ayes)

Irish Ridge Road Finance Renewal:

  • Got the paperwork from Hillsboro State Bank. Signatures needed from Clerk and Treasurer.
  • Interest payment was due of $6,316.90.
  • Payment will be sent back with the paperwork.

Next Meeting: Monday, August 12 at 7pm


  • M/S/P: Stock/Von Ruden moved to adjourn at 7:42 pm. (3 ayes)      

Clerk Lori Hemmersbach:­­­­_________________________________­________­ Date:____________