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Town of Clinton: Minutes Wed Jul 14 2021 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Board Meeting Town of Clinton July 14, 2021
Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm with the pledge of allegiance. In attendance were Chairman Corey Leis, Supervisor 1 Wally Hemmersbach, Clerk Sandy Schweiger, Treasurer Jan Clark, Fred Brandt, Bob Erickson and Lonnie Muller; Supervisor 2 Jordan Bendel was away on vacation.
Mr. Hemmersbach made a motion to accept the financial report as read, 2nd by Mr. Leis; all ayes, motion carried. Mr. Hemmersbach made a motion, seconded by Mr. Leis, to transfer $35,900 from savings to checking and $76,260 from savings to money management; all ayes, motion carried. Mr. Hemmersbach made a motion, seconded by Mr. Leis, to approve bills; all ayes, motion carried.
Mr. Leis noted that one application for assistant patrolman was received; the ad in the Episcope will run 4 more weeks.
Questions have arisen regarding the Wednesday hours at the Recycle Center. Current hours are 4-6 pm although in the past the hours changed with daylight savings time. Usage varies with weather so this matter will be revisited.
Mr. Leis met with a contractor regarding bridge work; 4 need attention, some needing rip-rap (4-6 loads per project). Bridge on Dell Road at Parker will be addressed when water level lowers a bit more. To place the culvert on Knapp Valley, Bill Kreuger is available at $150 per hour plus material, to be hauled from his own quarry or Gerke, whichever is least expensive.
Patrolman Scot Sanders is continuing to patch and ditch roads, focusing on Dell, Weister Creek and Parker. After reviewing hill on Weister Creek, best option seems to be scarifying, adding gravel and then doing a double-seal. A three-inch lift may be needed near the new culvert.
Mr. Hemmersbach has been asking, but received no interest yet, for a replacement attendant at the Recycle Center. Mr. Leis made a motion seconded by Mr.
Hemmersbach, to pay attendant $16 per hour; all ayes, motion carried. Lack of dumpster capacity continues to be an issue.
Liquor license renewal was requested by Old Country Cheese. Mr. Hemmersbach made motion to approve, 2nd by Mr. Leis; all ayes, motion carried.
Mr. Brandt has been working with Al Buss updating the town website. Improvements are ongoing; additional costs are unknown but Mr. Brandt is willing to cover the costs if the town chooses not to with Mr. Leis chipping in as well. Mr. Leis made a motion, 2nd by Mr. Hemmersbach, to proceed with enhancements; all ayes, motion carried.
Discussion of the 10-year Budget Plan was postponed until Mr. Jordan was present.
Mr. Hemmersbach was approached by Scot Melvin regarding speed limit signs on East Bloomingdale Road and the possibility of a “Hidden Driveway” sign. Mr. Leis will talk to chairman of Town of Webster about the school sign. Mr. Leis made a motion, 2nd by Mr. Hemmersbach, to approve purchase of hidden driveway sign and school sign if needed; all ayes, motion carried.
Mr. Hemmersbach inquired about the rescue plan funds; they are being held in a separate account as the expenses associated with their use must be tracked.
Mr. Leis made a motion to approve board meeting minutes, 2nd by Mr. Hemmersbach; all ayes, motion carried. Mr. Hemmersbach made a motion to approve special meeting minutes with corrections, 2nd by Mr. Leis; all ayes, motion carried. Mr. Leis noted that town has 11 bridges.
Mr. Hemmersbach noted the need for a new brush; inquires will be made for its replacement.
At 8 pm, Mr. Leis made a motion, 2nd by Mr. Hemmersbach, to adjourn; all ayes, motion carried.