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Town of Clinton: Minutes Wed Mar 11 2020 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Board Meeting
Town of Clinton
March 11, 2020
Meeting called to order at 7 pm at the town hall with the pledge of allegiance. In attendance were Chairman John LaDue, Supervisor 1 Corey Leis, Supervisor 2 James Chapiewsky, Clerk Sandy Schweiger, Treasurer Jan Clark, Patrolman Scot Sanders, Robin Davis, Pandora Flores, Lonnie Muller and Kevin Schmitz.
Bids for gravel were opened by Chairman LaDue. Supervisor Leis made a motion to accept the bids from both Gerke and Kraemer, 2nd by Supervisor Chapiewsky; all ayes, motion carried. Mr. Davis encouraged the board to order screenings now as there may be a shortage in September. He also responded to an inquiry regarding the pulverizing of a road surface; $5,000 per mile to pulverize, $18,000 per mile to pulverize, grade, water and roll.
Bids from Fahrner, Sheldon’s and Scott Construction for seal-coating were opened next. Supervisor Leis made a motion, 2nd by Supervisor Chapiewsky, to accept the bid from Sheldon’s for 450’ of 3” hot mix mat on Ogden for $20,035; all ayes, motion carried. Supervisor Chapiewsky made a motion to accept bid for patch mix from Scott’s at $91 per ton delivered, 2nd by Supervisor Leis; all ayes, motion carried. Since Scott’s provided bids by project as requested, Supervisor Chapiewsky made a motion to accept, 2nd by Supervisor Leis; all ayes, motion carried. Bid accepted is for 7/16” granite at $24,705 per mile although smaller chips may be utilized on some roads for $21,000 per mile. Final determination of projects will be made at next meeting.
Supervisor Leis made a motion to accept the financial report, 2nd by Supervisor Chapiewsky; all ayes, motion carried. Supervisor Chapiewsky made a motion, 2nd by Supervisor Leis, to approve the transfer of $175 from savings to checking and $22,000 from money management to checking; all ayes, motion carried. Supervisor Leis made a motion, 2nd by Supervisor Chapiewsky, to pay the monthly bills; all ayes, motion carried.
The board unanimously approved the purchase of a GPS device; Mr. Sanders may select an appropriate device, maximum expenditure of $300.
Annual meeting is scheduled for April 11th at 10 am. The spring newsletter will be mailed to remind residents of this as well as provide information regarding spring clean-up and the new site permit ordinance. Chairman LaDue discussed the importance of keeping the assessor informed of changes to property and maintaining compliance with the valuation. Going forward the site permit fee will be $40. Supervisor Leis made a motion, 2nd by Supervisor Chapiewsky, to adopt the new ordinance 2020-1; all ayes, motion carried.
With continuing issues regarding the backhoe, the board inspected two used models for possible purchase: a 2007 Case 580 with 2900 hours for $50,000 and a 2012 Case 590 with 2000 hours for $64,500. The old backhoe would be taken in trade for $18,000. Supervisor Chapiewsky made a motion, 2nd by Supervisor Leis, to transfer an extra $47,000 to checking; all ayes, motion carried. Supervisor Chapiewsky made a motion, 2nd by Supervisor Leis, to purchase the Case 590 from Joe Welsh Equipment; all ayes, motion carried. Mr. Sanders is working on estimated costs for road projects. Gravel is needed on Knapp Valley at the lower end. Culvert under Dell Road south of P is rusting out. Ditching is needed on Irish Ridge Road while planting crops in the right-of-way must cease. Any violators of road bans may be referred to the county.
Supervisor Chapiwesky made a motion, 2nd by Supervisor Leis, to approve the minutes; all ayes, motion carried. Patrolman’s contract granted mileage for use of personal vehicle; this will be paid retroactive. Supervisor Chapiewsky made a motion, 2nd by Supervisor Leis, to adjourn at 9 pm; all ayes, motion carried.