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Town of Clinton: Minutes Wed Dec 09 2020 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Board Meeting
Town of Clinton
December 9, 2020
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm with the pledge of allegiance. In attendance were Chairman John LaDue, Supervisor 2 James Chapiewsky, Clerk Sandy Schweiger, Treasurer Jan Clark, Patrolman Scot Sanders, Fred Brandt and Ranelle Brandt. Supervisor 1 Corey Leis arrived at 6:50 pm.
Supervisor Chapiewsky made a motion to accept the financial report as read, 2nd by Chairman LaDue; all ayes, motion carried. Supervisor Chapiewsky made a motion, 2nd by Chairman LaDue, to approve transferring $27,000 from savings to checking and $105,390 from savings to money management; all ayes, motion carried. Supervisor Chapiewsky made a motion, 2nd by Chairman LaDue, to approve payment of bills; all ayes, motion carried.
Included in the bills was insurance premium of $8687 for Rural Mutual. Supervisor Chapiewsky made a motion, 2nd by Chairman LaDue, to renew the town policy; all ayes, motion carried.
Supervisor Chapiewsky suggested conducting caucus at the town shop to allow for more space; January 23rd at 11 am was proposed by Chairman LaDue, 2nd by Supervisor Chapiewsky; all ayes, motion carried. (Due to a misreading of the statute, the date was changed to the 16th.)
A closed session will be held prior to the next board meeting to discuss the patrolman’s compensation. It will be January 13, 2021 at 5:30 pm.
Chairman LaDue made a motion to approve renting a chipper, 2nd by Supervisor Chapiewsky; all ayes, motion carried. The rate is $132 per day or $660 per week so rental will be daily. Mr. Sanders’ request for a stockpile of 3-4 loads of gravel and 3 loads of breaker run was approved. The future of the tar kettle remains uncertain. Clucker’s has revised their offer on the Dodge to $100; Chairman LaDue will check on towing it to Sheldon’s.
Supervisor Chapiewsky made a motion, 2nd by Chairman LaDue, to approve the minutes; all ayes, motion carried.
Mr. Brandt wished to commend the operator of the Recycle Center; a request was made regarding a “port-a-potty” but this is not feasible.
There are concerns regarding the impact logging operations have on town roads.
Supervisor Leis has been investigating fuel pricing; Consolidated offered the same price year- round while Premier charges seasonally.
As for bridge repairs, most will have to wait until spring. Approaches will be patched if possible. Blade on loader still needs to be repaired. The county is not available for brushing as only a skeleton crew is currently available. A dumpster from Mathy’s Salvage will be delivered to the shop to remove scrap metal.
At 7:10 pm, Supervisor Chapiewsky made a motion, 2nd by Supervisor Leis, to adjourn; all ayes, motion carried.