Board Meeting Minutes: February 10, 2021

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Town of Clinton: Minutes Wed Feb 10 2021 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm 

Board Meeting Town of Clinton February 10, 2021 

Meeting called to order at 6 pm with the pledge of allegiance. In attendance were Chairman John LaDue, Supervisor 1 Corey Leis, Supervisor 2 James Chapiewsky, Clerk Sandy Schweiger, Treasurer Jan Clark, Patrolman Scot Sanders, Fred Brandt, Ranelle Brandt, Pandora Flores, Wally Hemmersbach, Lonnie Muller and Alvin Schrock. 

For the tax settlements, $128,580.49 on January 14th and $25,567.62 on January 17th were transferred from tax savings to checking. Supervisor Leis made a motion, 2nd by Supervisor Chapiewsky, to approve the financial report; all ayes, motion carried. Supervisor Chapiewsky, 2nd by Supervisor Leis, made a motion to approve the transfer of $16,500 from savings to checking, $20,750 from savings to money management and $10,000 from building fund to regular money management; all ayes, motion carried. An additional transfer from tax savings to checking will be made when the February tax settlements are finalized. Supervisor Leis, 2nd by Supervisor Chapiewsky, made a motion to approve monthly bills; all ayes, motion carried. 

Chairman LaDue, after noting various recent issues with the loader, offered two proposals from Titan Machinery and John Deere. Instead of continuing to fund repairs to a 14-year-old loader with over 5000 hours, it would be more advantageous to replace while getting a trade-in value of $52,000. Since the equipment fund was established with this in mind, Chairman LaDue proposed purchasing the John Deere with some of these funds. Supervisor Chapiewsky observed that while the grader is older, the loader is the “workhorse”; better to replace now than invest in more repairs. When Supervisor Leis opposed the purchase, insisting that proper maintenance was adequate, Supervisor Chapiewsky asked if he would instead spend these funds on the roads to which Supervisor Leis said no. Chairman LaDue made a motion to purchase the John Deere loader, a durable good, with extended reach for $170,500 using $60,000 from the equipment fund and the balance paid in annual installments of $15,689.54 over the next four years, 2nd by Supervisor Chapiewsky; Chairman LaDue and Supervisor Chapiewsky voted aye, Supervisor Leis voted nae. The new loader comes with an extended warranty, oil changes and service calls. ( Chairman LaDue misspoke regarding the condition of the trade-in; it must be in operating condition.) 

Since the state requires a review of the Comprehensive Plan every ten years, copies were distributed for comment; the matter will be addressed at the next meeting. 

The town received a Certificate of Recognition for Recycling Excellence from the county department of solid waste which was issued by the Department of Natural Resources. The Recycle Center has been dramatically improved over the past few years. 

Supervisor Chapiewsky made a motion, 2nd by Supervisor Leis, to approve the minutes; all ayes, motion carried. Bids for gravel products will be published for awarding at next meeting. 

Mr. Brandt inquired about the caucus process. Chairman LaDue noted that any changes would have to be approved at an annual meeting while Supervisor Chapiewsky mentioned that competition was a sign of interest which many municipalities lack. 

At 7:25 pm, Supervisor Chapiewsky made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Supervisor Leis; all ayes, motion carried.