Board Meeting Minutes: May 12, 2021

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Town of Clinton: Minutes Wed May 12 2021 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm 

Board Meeting 

Town of Clinton 

May 12, 2021 

Meeting was called to order at 7 pm with the pledge of allegiance. In attendance were Chairman Corey Leis, Supervisor 1 Wally Hemmersbach, Supervisor 2 Jordan Bendel, Clerk Sandy Schweiger, Treasurer Jan Clark, Patrolman Scot Sanders, John Adams, Fred Brandt, Ranelle Brandt, Mava Clark, Doris Ewing, Doug Ewing, Pandora Flores, Wayne Jerritt, John LaDue and Lonnie Muller. 

Mr. Bendel made a motion, 2nd by Mr. Hemmersbach to approve the financial report as read; all ayes, motion carried. Mr. Bendel also made a motion, 2nd by Mr. Hemmersbach, to approve transferring $98 from savings to checking and $24,600 from money management to checking; all ayes, motion carried. A motion was made by Mr. Bendel, 2nd by Mr. Hemmersbach, to pay the bills; all ayes, motion carried. 

Bids received by Mr. Leis from Scott’s Construction and Fahrner for road projects were opened. A lengthy discission ensued over the amount of oil used as well as size and composition of gravel. Mr. Leis made a motion to accept the Fahrner bid for roads on the west side of the town (Anderson, Hanson, Knapp and McElhose) using 3/8” granite, 2nd by Mr. Bendel; all ayes, motion carried. Mr. Leis made a motion, 2nd by Mr. Bendel, to accept Scott’s bid for Weister Creek (heavy single seal for $11,271); all ayes, motion carried. Mr. Sanders estimated this project would need 8 loads of patch material. Mr. Leis made a motion, 2nd by Mr. Bendel, to accept Scott’s bid for single seals on Cary ($15,970), Dell ($42,061), Norwegian Valley ($12,247) and Parker ($30, 949); all ayes, motion carried. 

Mr. Leis requested that minutes be designated as a draft until approved by board. Mr. Bendel made a motion to this effect, 2nd by Mr. Hemmersbach; all ayes, motion carried. 

Mr. Leis was notified that someone was asked to remove their mask at the recent election. Mrs. Ewing, who worked the afternoon shift, said this did not happen. Mr. Leis will investigate. 

With Alvin Schrock moving, his sister-in-law will be mowing at the town hall, however she was having difficulty with the mower. Mr. Leis lowered the handle for easier use. 

Concerns from the annual meeting included more notices in local papers and an upgrade to the website. 

Mr. LaDue noted that agendas are provided to the local paper which may choose to publish at no cost; also, the state supreme court prohibited “Old or New Business” as an agenda item as being too broad. Mr. Brandt will explore website options. Mr. LaDue observed that with 63% of population off-line, the town had relied on the spring and fall newsletters to keep residents informed. Mr. Muller indicated that 48 families in Town of Clinton receive the Episcope. 

Mr. Sanders indicated the need for replacement of culverts on McElhose (two 24” for $2,663), Knapp (24” for $942) and Weister Creek (three 18” for $2,100). Mr. Bendel made a motion to approve culvert purchases, 2nd by Mr. Hemmersbach; all ayes, motion carried. Approval was given to acquire patch from Mathy at $1,700 per load. Hours worked should remain at 40 per week until later on; ditching will commence after road projects are completed. Water level at the beaver dam has been lowered 7” with the need to lower an additional 10”-12”; additional tubes will be installed. Later on, rock will be placed at the bridge abutments. 

Joe Kauffman sent a letter of appreciation for the dust control on Irish Ridge. Mr. Sanders and Mr. Leis spread calcium chloride which was rolled in with equipment borrowed from Town of Whitestown. Phil Hewitt would like Amish funds specified for release. 

The Recycle Center, which was previously open later during daylight savings time, will maintain the same hours year-round: Wednesdays 4-6 pm and Saturdays 9 am to 12 pm. 

On April 20th, the new board members met and agreed that Mr. Hemmersbach will oversee equipment maintenance, Mr. Bendel will be in charge of the Recycle Center and Mr. Leis will supervisor the road crew. 

Mr. Sanders noted the sander needs an apron with prices varying widely. Also plow on red truck needs attention. Screenings (50-55 tons) were ordered for delivery from the Clockmaker Quarry for delivery. The board members inspected the roads on April 29th. 

Mr. Brandt inquired about the budget and additional funds for road projects; these funds were carried over from the previous year as a result of reimbursements from FEMA for flooding going back to 2016. 

Making note of a statement by John LaDue erroneously attributed to Phil Hewitt about the loader in March, Mr. Hemmersbach made a motion to approve the minutes, 2nd by Mr. Bendel; all ayes, motion carried. 

At 9:10 pm, Mr. Leis made a motion to adjourn.