Board Meeting Minutes: November 10, 2021

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Town of Clinton: Minutes Wed Nov 10 2021 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm 

Board Meeting 

Town of Clinton 

November 10, 2021 

Meeting called to order with the pledge of allegiance at 7 pm at the town hall. In attendance were Chairman Corey Leis, Supervisor 1 Wally Hemmersbach, Clerk Sandy Schweiger, Treasurer Jan Clark, Patrolman Scot Sanders, Fred Brandt, Ranelle Brandt, Dave Clark, Kyle Clark, Bob Erickson, Doug Ewing, Wayne Leis, Tammy Litsey, Lonnie Muller, Lori Schmitz and Steve Schmitz. 

Mr. Hemmersbach made a motion, 2nd by Mr. Leis, to approve the financial report as read; all ayes, motion carried. Mr. Hemmersbach made a motion, 2nd by Mr. Leis, to approve transferring $760 from savings to checking and $39,000 from money management to checking on November 11th and $131,000 from savings to checking on November 16th while holding the Scott’s bill until the 16th; all ayes, motion carried. This motion was later revised to $44,000 from money management to checking to cover payroll: Mr. Hemmersbach made the motion, 2nd by Mr. Leis; all ayes, motion carried. Mr. Hemmersbach made a motion, 2nd by Mr. Leis, to pay the bills; all ayes, motion carried. 

Mr. Brandt and Mrs. Litsey indicated their interest in the open supervisor position. Following question and answers, Mr. Hemmersbach nominated Mr. Brandt to position of Supervisor 2, 2nd by Mr. Leis; all ayes, motion carried. Mr. Brandt signed official oath and joined the board. 

Those requesting snow plowing will need to sign waivers. By unanimous agreement rates will remain at $225 for under one quarter mile, $300 for up to one half mile and $375 for over one half mile; one time plowing will remain at $50. Mr. Sanders did not think these rates covered the towns expenses. 

Mr. Leis made a motion to offer a CDL incentive of $350 for the assistant patrolman, 2nd by Mr. Brandt. Mr. Hemmersbach felt the CDL was required for the position and opposed this motion. Motion passed 2 to 1. Mr. Sanders stressed the need for the CDL to be acquired prior to plowing of snow. 

Mr. Hemmersbach made a motion to contract with the county for $4,000 of brushing, 2nd by Mr. Brandt; all ayes, motion carried. 

The Driftless Humane Society contract was approved on a per dog basis of $200, plus $250 annual fee. Mr. Hemmersbach made a motion to accept contract, 2nd by Mr. Brandt; all ayes, motion carried. 

With the retirement of Vince Schmitz as building inspector, a proposal from General Engineering Company with an office in LaCrosse was considered. Mr. Hemmersbach made a motion to table, 2nd by Mr. Brandt; all ayes, motion carried. 

Mr. Hemmersbach made motions, 2nd by Mr. Brandt, to approve minutes from October 13th and 20th; all ayes, motion carried. Mr. Hemmersbach made a motion, 2nd by Mr. Leis to approve minutes from October 27th with clarification of levy amounts; all ayes, motion carried. 

Some charges for trucking of screenings from Milestone Materials will be refunded as these were automatically added to bill despite the town contracting other haulers. Refund was received from DiscBine. 

At 7:52 pm, Mr. Hemmersbach made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Mr. Brandt; all ayes, motion carried.