Board Meeting Minutes: February 9, 2022

Click here for the full minutes.

Town of Clinton – Wed Feb 09 2022 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm 

Board Meeting 

Chairman Leis called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Present: Chairman Corey Leis, Supervisor 1 Wally Hemmersbach, Supervisor 2 Fred Brandt, Treasurer Jan Clark, Patrolman Scot Sanders, Paul Clark, Lonnie Muller, Tammie Litsey, Ranelle Brandt, Bob Erickson, Myron Jothan, Lori Schmitz and Steve Schmitz. 

M/S/P: Hammersbach/Leis moved to approve the Financials as read. (3 Ayes ) Motion Carried. 

M/S/P: Hemmersbach/Leis moved to pay the bills with the exception of the Gehrke payment, pending further review. (3 ayes ) Motion Carried. 

M/S/P: Hemmersbach/Leis moved to transfer $34,000 from the Money Management account to the Checking account (3 ayes ) Motion Carried. 

M/S/P: Leis/Hemmersbach moved to make payments not to exceed $76,000 plus interest on a 10 year loan to the Cashton Fire Association for the new fire truck. (3 ayes ) Motion carried. 

HVAC discussion was postponed till next meeting, pending additional information. 

M/S/P: Hemmersbach/Leis moved to advertise in the Episcope for 2022 bids on gravel and sealcoat. (3 ayes ) Motion Carried. The advertisement text was given to Lonnie Muller. 

M/S/P: Leis/Hemmersbach moved to replace the front and rear tires on the backhoe for $2,178.00. (3 ayes ) Motion Carried. 2 

M/S/P: Leis/Hemmersbach moved to continue research on STP grant applications. (3 ayes ) Motion Carried. 

M/S/P: Leis/Hemmersbach moved to table approval of the December 8th, 2021 Minutes till the next board meeting, pending written and read corrections. (3 ayes ) Motion Carried. 

M/S/P: Leis/Hemmersbach moved to table approval of the January 12th, 2022 Minutes till the next board meeting, pending written and read corrections. (3 ayes ) Motion Carried. 

Note: during the public comment section Lonnie Muller clarified the difference between ‘tabling’ and ‘postponing’ according to Robert’s Rules of Order. Based on this clarification, the wording in the previous two motions was amended as follows: 

M/S/P: Leis/Hemmersbach moved to postpone approval of the December 8th, 2021 and January 12th, 2022 Minutes till the next board meeting, pending written and read corrections. (3 ayes ) Motion Carried. 

  • • Public comments were heard. 
  • • Brief discussion on Board of Review training schedule. 
  • • Addressed the possibility of replacement of the town mower. 
  • • Update on disaster aid for Peaceful Valley Road from the August 8th, 2021 flood event. 

M/S/P: Hemmersbach/Leis moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 pm. (3 ayes) Motion Carried.