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Town of Clinton: Minutes Wed Mar 10 2021 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Board Meeting
Town of Clinton
March 10, 2021
Meeting called to order with the pledge of allegiance. In attendance were Chairman John LaDue, Supervisor 1 Corey Leis, Supervisor 2 James Chapiewsky, Clerk Sandy Schweiger, Treasurer Jan Clark, Patrolman Scot Sanders, Fred Brandt, Ranelle Brandt, Paul Clark, Robin Davis, Pandora Flores, Wayne Leis and Lonnie Muller.
With Robin Davis present from Milestone Materials, formerly Kraemer, the gravel bids were opened, including the one from Gerke. Supervisor Leis made a motion, 2nd by Supervisor Chapiewsky, to accept both bids; all ayes, motion carried. Mr. Davis encouraged ordering screenings sooner than usual as they may not be available later in the year.
Recent expenditures required amending the budget. Chairman LaDue noted that $14,949.79 was unused from 2020 budget and proposed adding this amount to the road projects while transferring machinery funds for down payment on loader. Supervisor Leis made a motion, 2nd by Supervisor Chapiewsky, to move $115,000 in unspent funds to road projects; all ayes, motion carried.
Now the financial report was read. Supervisor Chapiewsky made amotion to accept, 2nd by Supervisor Leis; all ayes, motion carried. Supervisor Chapiewsky made a motion, 2nd by Supervisor Leis, to transfer $170 from savings to checking, $89,830 from money management to checking and $60,000 from machinery fund to regular money management; all ayes, motion carried. Supervisor Chapiewsky made amotion, 2nd by Supervisor Leis, to pay the bills; all ayes, motion carried.
Monitoring of needed repairs to the town hall will continue including a crack in the north wall and also cracked windows on the south wall.
Chairman LaDue has spoken to the county highway commissioner about TRIP funds; since the town has not received these funds for the past few years, it would be at the top of list for awards. The county will also use funds provided by the Amish community to apply a dust suppressant on Irish Ridge Road. Prospective work on this road has been delayed due to continued postponement of legal proceedings to address illegal
effluent in the right of way. A Multiple Level Road Aid Package is also available, a preferred program with simplified processing.
The approval of the comprehensive plan was postponed for further study. Amendments should be made as percentage of organic farming has changed and 2020 census was not yet complete.
Soil and Conservation Department is reassessing the flood plains in the area having already completed Wang Ridge area. Failure of the Mlsna Dam will be investigated as well as the Dell area. Emergency zones are also being updated.
Supervisor Leis accused other board members of holding illegal meetings to discuss the purchase of the loader; Chairman LaDue noted instead that it was Supervisor Leis who attempted to discuss town matters outside of regular meetings. Supervisor Chapiewsky had previously advocated for replacing this piece of equipment due to its heavy usage and lack of prior maintenance. Even the county highway commissioner felt this purchase was advantageous (this statement was erroneously attributed to Phil Hewitt). Supervisor Leis went on to impugn the character of the entire board while Mr. Leis continually interrupted the proceedings. Treasurer Clark explained that budgeted but unspent funds from last year were a direct result of reimbursements from FEMA.
Chairman LaDue emphasized that all boards do what they feel is best with the funds available and expected that TRIP funds would be used to improve Irish Ridge, possibly even a mat, but nothing can be accomplished until the drainage of sewage into the right of way ceases.
Both Supervisor Leis and Mr. Leis again criticized the purchase of the loader. Chairman LaDue asked that the minutes be corrected to reflect that the trade-in must be in operating condition, however this would not affect the vote to purchase this equipment. Chairman LaDue will be personally responsible for repairs if needed. With money available in the equipment fund it is not necessary to amend the budget for this purchase.
Mr. Brandt then inquired about the dust control on Irish Ridge which Chairman LaDue indicated would be done by the county at no expense to the town. Mr. Brandt also inquired about long term plans for the town, however, Chairman LaDue noted that with each board serving a two-year term and the vicissitudes of mother nature precludes the practicality of such plans. Road conditions are assessed at the end of each winter to determine which ones need the most
attention. Until pricing of seal coating is known, not able to determine how much can be accomplished.
As for the minutes, Supervisor Leis indicated he did not state that machinery funds should be used for the roads and Chairman LaDue wished to have the working condition of the trade-in noted. Supervisor Chapiewsky made a motion to approve, 2nd by Supervisor Leis; all ayes, motion carried.
Finally, at 9:17 pm, Supervisor Chapiewsky, 2nd by Supervisor Leis, made a motion to adjourn; all ayes, motion carried.